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equestrian ACTIVITIES
Hacking on private trails
equestrian ACTIVITIES
six furlong gallop
equestrian ACTIVITIES
Fully equiped GRASS AREna
equestrian ACTIVITIES
Hacking on private trails
equestrian ACTIVITIES
six furlong gallop

Equestrian activities

We offer a range of equestrian activities including an all-weather gallop, private hacking trails and fully equipped grass arena. All set within the stunning surroundings of Dedham Vale, an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Gallop close up



Our all-weather gallop is just over six furlongs (1250m) long and is 3.5-4m wide. It is a high-performance cushioned surface which delivers improved levels of impact absorption and energy return.

Cost : £20 per horse
Duration: 30 minutes

Hacking at Langham Hall Estate



Enjoy our beautiful woodlands and meadows on private off-road hacking routes. All within the safety and tranquility of our 500 acre estate.

Cost : £10 per horse
Duration: No limit

Showjumping at Langham Hall Estate

Grass Arena


Our outdoor grass arena is available for personal hire. The spacious 85m x 122m grass arena comes with a full course of showjumps, fully enclosed by wooden post and rail fencing.

Cost : £15 per horse
Duration: 60 minutes

Book equestrian activities

Select the equine activity from the menu below. Select the date, time and number of riders before adding to basket. There is plenty of parking with easy access for all horse boxes. If you have any special requirements please let us know.

The all-weather gallop is available for bookings but the hacking trails and grass arena are now closed for winter.

Please subscribe for updates so we can let you know when the weather permits us to open the trails again (hopefully in March).

Select Date & Time

Your Reservation

{reservation_date} · {reservation_time}








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This agreement releases Langham Hall Estate and all its employees from all liability relating to any loss, injuries or damage to property and person that may occur during livery, hire period, or use of facilities on Langham Hall Estate. By signing this agreement, I agree to release Langham Hall Estate from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries or loss incurred.

I also acknowledge the risks involved in equine care, handling, and riding. These include but are not limited to being kicked, bitten, stood on, falling off and falling over. I confirm that I have had suitable training and experience to enable me to confidently and competently participate in the relevant activity at Langham Hall Estate. I am responsible for, and agree to provide and wear safety equipment, including a PAS 015 BSI Kitemarked or equivalent standard riding helmet for any riding activity. I also agree to carry and charged and working mobile phone when riding alone in case of any incident. I am participating voluntarily, and all risks have been made clear to me. Additionally, I do not have any conditions that will increase my likelihood of injury whilst engaging in this activity. If there is an exception to this, I have noticed the staff.

By signing below, I forfeit all rights to bring a claim against Langham Hall Estate for any reason. In return, I will receive the livery and/or hire of riding facilities. I will also make every effort to obey safety precautions as made available to me in writing upon request and as explained to me verbally. I will ask for clarification when needed.

• Langham Hall Estate must be made aware of your arrival and departure despite booking slots
• Time slots MUST be stuck to to ensure there are no accidents on the gallop
• There may be other riders on the hacking land at the same time as you
• Cross country fences on the land are not to be jumped under any circumstances
• There is a strong likelihood of farm machinery being on the land
• Walkers/runners have access to much of the hacking land as public footpaths
• Riding tracks around the land must be kept to
• Horses must be cleared up after in the arena and parking area
• Horses must be vaccinated
• Langham Hall Estate recommends that a body protector be worn and/or company is brought on the ground to increase safety

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